Richard Foxwell

Male Abt 1610 - Bef 1668

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  • Name  Richard Foxwell  [1
    Born  Abt 1610  England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender  Male 
    Will  07 Apr 1668  Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [2, 3
    • In his will, dated 7 April 1668 and proved 3 June 1668, "Richard Foxwell of Barnstable" bequeathed "the remainder of that land that my son Samuell Bacon had of me ... on the north side of the highway over against the land of Mr. Nathaniel Bacon I give unto my son Hugh Cole, as also my meadow ground at Sandy Neck"; "my house and that land which I have left unto it I do give unto my son and daughter Nelson"; "I do give also my wearing clothes unto my son Samuell Bacon"; "I do give one of my cows unto the church of Barnstable to be improved for the use of the poor thereof"; "what cattle or swine I have left I do [give] unto my sons Hugh Cole and Samuell Bacon, only my will is that they pay out of them unto Mr. Adams a woollen draper which did dwell at the lower end of Gratious Street in London"; "I do give all my pewter and brass and bedding and what other things I have unto my sons Hugh Cole and Samuell Bacon"; "I do make my loving sons Hugh Cole and Samuell Bacon my executors" [ MD 17:28, citing PCPR 2:2:49]. In a codicil of 19 May 1668, the testator notes that "considering my son Nelson hath had a good portion with my daughter Ruth, I do alter that phrase in my will thus expressed (my house and that land I have left unto it I do give unto my son and daughter Nelson) and my will now is that in the first place all such charges" shall be "paid out of my house and land and if there be more than will pay my expenses ... my son and daughter Nelson shall have it" [ MD 17:28, citing PCPR 2:2:49].

      The inventory of the estate of "Richard Foxwell deceased," taken 30 May 1668, totalled ¹26 18s. 6d., of which ¹12 was real estate: "about 6 acres of land & a sorry house," ¹7; and "1 acre & < of land & about 3 acres of marsh," ¹5; to this was added "more in household stuff in the possession of William Nelson estimated to be near about the value of the household stuff above mentioned which is mutually agreeable to be his part thereof according to the will of the abovesaid Richard Foxwell" [ Scrapbook 59-60].

      On 17 June 1668, "Hugh Cole of New Plimoth in New England, ship carpenter, and Sam[ue]l Bacon of Barnstable, planter," were appointed administrators "on the estate of Richard Foxwell late of Barnstable deceased" [ Scrapbook 72]. On 7 July 1668, "Hugh Cole and Samuell Bacon, refusing to stand executors of the last will and testament of Richard Foxwell, deceased, are ordered by the court to administer on the said estate" [ PCR 4:192].
    Died  Bef 30 May 1668 
    • Inventory taken.
    • MIGRATION: 1634
      FIRST RESIDENCE: Scituate
      REMOVES: Barnstable 1639
      OCCUPATION: Tailor [ PCR 12:97-98].
      CHURCH MEMBERSHIP: Admitted to Scituate church (as "Goodman Foxwell"), 8 January 1634/5 [ NEHGR 9:279]. On 14 June 1635, "Brother Foxwell's wife joined [Scituate church] having [her] dismission from elsewhere" [ NEHGR 9:279].
      FREEMAN: In the 1639 Scituate list of those who have taken the oath of fidelity [ PCR 8:193]. In the 1657 Barnstable list of those who have taken the oath of fidelity [ PCR 8:179].
      EDUCATION: His inventory included "books" valued at 2s. 6d.
      OFFICES: In the Barnstable section of the 1643 Plymouth Colony list of men able to bear arms [ PCR 8:193]. His inventory included "pothangers, tongs, bellows & old sword" valued at 6s.
      ESTATE: In Rev. John Lothrop's list of houses in Scituate, "Goodman Foxwell's" was the second built since "my coming hither, ... which was about the end of September 1634," and was apparently sold to Henry Bourne [ NEHGR 10:42]. Foxwell built a second house "on his lot" in 1637 [ NEHGR 10:43].
      The town of Scituate granted Richard Foxwell four parcels of land: "the 4 lot on the south side of the Meeting House Land being four acres," 16 October 1634; "a parcel of marshland lying at the east end of his lot," 7 February 1636[/7?]; "[blank] acres of upland," 20 February 1634[/5?]; and "a portion of marshland lying at the south end of his lot of upland," 7 February 1636[/7?] [ ScitTR 1:236].
      On 12 March 1643/4, "Richard Foxwell of Barnestable ..., tailor," sold to William Wills of Scituate "all those four acres of arable lands & the acre & half of marsh meadow the nearest adjoining to the said upland" [ PCR 12:97-98]. [3]
    Person ID  I51872  Bryant
    Last Modified  17 Jul 2004 

    Family 1  Ann Shelley,   b. Abt 1614, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  Abt 1635  probably, Boston, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    • "Ann Shelley a maid servant she came to the land in the year 1632, and married to Foxall, a godly brother of the church of Sittuate" (Roxbury Church Rec.); on April 20 1634 "Anne Shelley [John Coggeshall's] maid servnat" was admitted to Boston church by letter of dismission from Roxbury; 14 June 1635 "Brother Foxwell's wife joined [Scituate church] having [her] dismission from elsewhere."
     1. Mary Foxwell,   b. 17 Aug 1635, Scituate, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1689, Swansea, Bristol Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. Martha Foxwell,   b. 24 Mar 1637/38, Plymouth Colony Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. Ruth Foxwell,   b. 25 Mar 1641, Plymouth Colony Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1726, Middleborough, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F2776  Group Sheet

     1. John Foxwell,   b. Abt 1627, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 21 Sep 1646, Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location
    Family ID  F3514  Group Sheet

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - Abt 1610 - England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - Abt 1635 - probably, Boston, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsWill - 07 Apr 1668 - Barnstable, Barnstable Co, Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Maps 
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S32] TAG, The American Genealogist, 64:139-141.

    2. [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 7:178.

    3. [S260] GMB, Anderson, Robert Charles, (New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, 1995), 2:565.

    4. [S14] Torrey, Editor: Torrey, Clarence Almon, (Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985, Baltimore, MD, 1985 (reprint)), p. 281.

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