Abt 1620 - 1676
Name |
Sampson Mason [1] |
Born |
Abt 1620 |
England [2] |
Gender |
Male |
Will |
22 Oct 1672 |
Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony [3] |
- The 22cond day of October in the year of our Lord according to the English accompt one thousand six hundred seaventy and two, Know all men by these presents that I Sampson Mason of Rehoboth in the Collonie of New Plymouth in New England Cordwinder being sicke in body, but through the Grace of my God of Good and p'fect memory Doe make and declare my last will and Testament, in manor and form following; That is to say first I give and bequeath my whole estate as well Reall as p'sonall; to Mary my beloved wife; to have and to hold the same and every pte therof To the use of her the said Mary during her widdowhood; only excepting such Girts and Legacies; as are heerin and heerafter bequeathed; Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest son Noah; either my house which is shortly to be built in Swansey; or that house wherin I doe now dwell; that is to say that house which his mother my said wife shall order him to take; and an equalI proportion with his other brethern in all my lands within the severall Townships of Rehoboth and Swansey; and on the north syde of the Town Reho[bo]th, when hee shall attaine to one and twenty yeers of age; to the use of him and his heeres and assignes for ever.
Item I bequeath unto my second son Sampson fifty acrees or land which is shortly to be layed out as my Lott on the north syde of the Town of Rehoboth; To have and to hold the said fifty acrees; from the time that hee shall attaine to one and twenty yeers of age; To him and his heires and assignes for ever; Item I give and bequeath unto my son Samuel that house which my said wife shall choose for her owne particular use; with five and twenty acrees of Land where my said wife and the overseers of this my will heerafter named shall see convenient; To have and to hold the said house and land from and after my said wifes decease. To him and his heires and assigns for ever; Item I give and bequeath unto my other six sonnes an equall right, to and proportion of, all my lands not alreddy bequeathed within the severall Townshipps of Rehoboth and Swansey; and on the north syde of the Towne of Rehoboth; whether the same or any p'te thereof be devided or undevided; as it is or shall be layed out to the use of mee mine heires or assignes att any time heerafter; to have and to hold To them my said six sonnes, and every of them respectively, when they shall attaine to one and twenty yeers of age; and after the second marriage of my said wife or her decease; to theire severall and Respective uses of them and to the severall and respective uses of theire heires and assignes for ever, provided nevertheless that whensoever every of my last mensioned six sons shall prossesse and injoy an equall proportionall of lands with my said sonnes Noah and Samuell; that the remaining lands shall be att my wifes dispose and of my said overseers heerafter mensioned, Item I do heerby declare that it is my last will and Testament. that every of my four daughters, shall have such a portion of my estate both Reall and prsonall as my said wife and the said overseers shall see meet and to be payed to every of them according to the order of my said Wife and overseers; Item I doe heerby nominate my said dear wife Mary to be executrix of this my last will and Testament; and my beloved Frinds Mr. John Myles, Mr. James Brown and my brother John Butterworth to be overseers therof; desiring that they Doe see the same accomplished and prformed according to the true intent and meaning therof; In witness wherof I have heerunto putt my hand and Seale the day and yeer first above written.
SAMPSON MASON, & a (seale)
Signed & Sealed in the presence of
Jonathan Fuller, Jonathan Willmoth
Jonathan Fuller & Jonathan Wilmoth took theire oath to thu truth of this will and Testament the 17th of November 1676 before mee.
James Brown, Assistant
Died |
15 Sep 1676 |
Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts [2] |
- Sampson was killed in King Philip's War.
Buried |
15 Sep 1676 |
Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts [4] |
- Sampson Mason, buried, Sept. 15, 1676.
Notes |
- The earliest mention of Sampson Mason in New England is in the May 25, 1649 will of Edward Bullock of Dorchester. A debt is specified as "due to Sampson Mason for wifes shoes."
In 1651 he purchased a house and land in Dorchester of William Betts, that he afterwards sold to Jacob Hewins and removed to Rehoboth.
In Rehoboth records, "On December 9, 1657, it was voted that Sampson Mason should have free liberty to sojourn with us, and to buy house, lands or meadow, if he see cause for shis settlement, provided that he lives peacefully and quietly."
Sampson was an Anabaptist and was permitted status of Sojouner and not Freeman in the puritanical colony.
That Sampson Mason became a man of substance, is inferable, not only from the part he took in the settlement of Swansey (granted land there), but also from the fact that he was one of the proprietors of the "North purchase," since Attleboro.
Person ID |
I50761 |
Bryant |
Last Modified |
22 Feb 2004 |
Family |
Mary Butterworth, b. Abt 1628, England , d. 29 Aug 1714, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts |
Married |
09 Mar 1651 |
Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts [5] |
Children |
| 1. Noah Mason, d. 02 Mar 1699/0, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 2. Sampson Mason, Jr., b. Abt 1654, probably, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts  |
| 3. Samuel Mason, b. Abt 1656, probably, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts , d. 21 Jan 1743/44, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 4. John Mason, b. Abt 1657, probably, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts , d. 18 Mar 1683, Dorchester, Suffolk Co, Massachusetts  |
| 5. Sarah Mason, b. 15 Feb 1657/58, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 6. Mary Mason, b. 07 Feb 1659/60, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 7. James Mason, b. 30 Oct 1661, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 8. Joseph Mason, b. 06 Mar 1662/63, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. 19 May 1748, Warren, Bristol Co, Rhode Island  |
| 9. Bethiah Mason, b. 15 Oct 1665, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. Bef 1712, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 10. Isaac Mason, b. 15 Jul 1667, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. 25 Jan 1741/42, Swansea, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 11. Peletiah Mason, b. 01 Apr 1669, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. 29 Mar 1763, Swansea, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 12. Benjamin Mason, b. 20 Oct 1670, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. 1740, Swansea, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
| 13. Thankful Mason, b. 27 Oct 1672, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts , d. Aft 1749, Rehoboth, Bristol Co, Massachusetts  |
Family ID |
F3459 |
Group Sheet |
Sources |
- [S141] IGI, LDS.
- [S366] Hannah (Haile) Mower, Mower, Lyman & Karen Hoiriis Mower, (Compilers, Durham, New Hampshire, 1997), p. 137.
- [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 18:254.
- [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 18:247.
- [S366] Hannah (Haile) Mower, Mower, Lyman & Karen Hoiriis Mower, (Compilers, Durham, New Hampshire, 1997), p. 86.