Thomas Rowning

Male Abt 1535 - Bef 1610

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  • Name  Thomas Rowning  [1
    Born  Abt 1535  probably, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender  Male 
    Will  09 May 1609  Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • The will of Thomas Rownynge of Honidon, alias Hunden, in the County of Suffolk and within the Dyoces of Norwich, yeoman, 9 May 1609 Body to be buried in the churchyard of Hunden. To wife Alice for life all my houses and lands both free and copy being in Stragdshull now in the occupation of William Ray my son-in-law, and my customary tenement it Hunden wherein Willm Rownynge my son now dwelleth, on condition that she make to Thomas Rownynge a lawful good assurance in such tenements and land both free and copy which she hath in Stoke next Clare. Reversion of same to son John Rownynge and to his heirs. Also to son John my customary tenement wherein Willm Humfrey late dwelt. Also my free close called Rowes lately purchased of Willm Wheler, the tenements and lands lately bought of John Revell, and one piece of free ground called by the ancient name Pal gate, as it appeareth in my father his will, and called by a late name Long land. Also three pieces of copy land which were surrendered lately unto me and my heirs by my kinsman John Rownynge and his heirs, which two pieces were some times Robert Barnards; my close called the greate Beck bought of one .John Pledgerd; my free tenement with the appurtenances wherein John Bayie now dwelleth; my customary meadow called Smethees; and a tenement now occupied by Roger Carter, shoemaker. To son Thomas Rownynge and his heirs forever my land both free and copy lately purchased of Thomas Mayre late of Barnardiston deceased. To son Willm Rownynge and his heirs forever all my customary lands belonging to Stoake Colledge which I bought of my brother John Rownynge late of Hunden deceased. To sister Annas, wife of Henrie Lancaster, 40s. To sister-in-law Alice Rownyge, widow, 5s. To grandchildren Susan Raye, Elizabeth Raye, Martha Raye, and Anne Raye, daughters of Willm Raye, ¹3 apiece at the age of eighteen years. To grandchildren Thomas Rownynge and John Rownynge, children of son Thomas, 40s. apiece at the age of twenty-one years. To grandchild Joane Rownynge, daughter of son William Rownynge, 40s. at age of eighteen years. To grandson Thomas Rownynge, son of son William Rownynge, 40s. at age of twenty-one years. To grandchild Anne Wheler, daughter of Thomas Wheler, my son-in-law, 40s. at age of eighteen years. To grandchild Edward Wheler, son of the said Thomas Wheler, 40s. at age of twenty-one years. To Thomas Beacon, my godchild, and Barbery Hunt, my god-daughter, 5s. apiece. To the poor of Hunden ¹18. All the residue of goods to be equally divided among Alice my wife and John Rownynge my son, they to be executors. Friend 'Willm Wheler the elder to be supervisor. [Signed] The mark of Thomas Rownynge. Witnesses: Roger Carter and Nicholas Whitfeild, writer hereof [vicar and surrogate]. Proved 5 Feb. 1609-10 by the oaths of the executors named in the will. (Archdeaconry of Sudbury (Bury St. Edmunds), Rogen, ff. 83-86.)
    Died  Bef 05 Feb 1609/10  Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    • In the court rolls from 1572-1589 he is called "wheelwright" to distinguish him from his elder brother Thomas, called "Junior" and "the middle", and from their still older cousin Thomas, who is always called "senior." In the subsidy of 1566-7 he is called Thomas "the bachaler," but in that of 1575-6 he is called "the whelwrite." He also appears in the subsidies of 1596-7 and 1698-9, and was guardian (or churchwarden) in 1595. In his will he mentions land called Pal gate, given to him by the will of his father John Rowning in 1549. [3]
    Person ID  I50426  Bryant
    Last Modified  16 Nov 2003 

    Family  Alice,   d. Bef 09 Mar 1619/20, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  Abt 1570  Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
     1. Joane Rowning,   b. Abt 1572, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     2. Thomas Rowning,   b. Abt 1575, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Bef 1619
     3. William Rowning,   b. Abt 1577, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Aft 1647, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Elizabeth Rowning,   d. Abt 23 Feb 1581, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     5. Sarah Rowning,   b. Abt 1581, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. John Rowning,   d. Bef 13 Jan 1640, Hundon, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     7. Judith Rowning,   b. Abt 1588, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Abt 06 Dec 1588, Suffolk, England Find all individuals with events at this location
     8. Mary Rowning
    Family ID  F3425  Group Sheet

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - Abt 1535 - probably, Hundon, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - Abt 1570 - Hundon, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsWill - 09 May 1609 - Hundon, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - Bef 05 Feb 1609/10 - Hundon, Suffolk, England Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Maps 
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 69:17-27.

    2. [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 69:11.

    3. [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 69:27.

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