1525 - Abt 1593
Name |
Edward Heath |
Born |
1525 |
probably, Ware, Hertfordshire, England |
Gender |
Male |
Will |
06 Mar 1593 [1] |
- ...unto Alyce my wyff xl s a yere duryng her lyff, And her dwellyng in my howse, that ys to saye the chamber that she nowe useth to lie yn wthall moveables of houshold stuff nowe thereyn, the kytchen & the Buttrye, wth ffree egresse ingresse & regresse into the same & easyaments in the basksyde duryng her naturall lyff / And A table with a ffounne in the hall/ Provided, alwayes and my wyll ys that two of my daughters Elen & Kateryn shall have all the aforeseid houshold Stuff after my wyffs decease equallie to be devided betwene them by the Discreccon of my sonn Willm / ...to my said two daughters Elen & Kateryn xx s a pece to be payd them At the daye of their Maryage /... to Johan my daughter vj s viij d to be payd to her wthin one yere after my decease /... to my daughter Johan her sonn xiij s viij d to be payd At his age of xv yeres ...to Elizabeth my daughter vj s viij d within one yere after my decease ...to eyther of her children John & Margarett vj s viij d a pece At their Age of xv yeres ...to Thomas my sonn xl s whereof xx s to be payd wthin one yere after my decease And the other xx s wthin the next yere then next ffolowyng ...to my sonn John xx s to be payd hym wthin one yere next after my decease ...to my daughter Margaretts children now Alyve v s a pece to be payd At their Age of xv yeres after my decease ...to my sonn Willm All that my nowe dwelling house wthall the edifice yards gardens wthall the Appurtenances therunto belongyng scituat in lytle Amwell in the countie of Hertf to hym & hjs heyres for ever, And all the resideue of my goods & moveables unbequeathed ...to my sonne Wilm his children nowe Alyve vj s viij d A pece At their Age of xviij yeres / All wch severall somes of money to be payd by my sonn Willm whom I do ordeyne & make my sole Executor of this my last Wyll & Testament. [The following bequest is written on the left margin, evidently intended to be part of the main body of the will:] Itm I geve unto my sonn Robt xl s wherof xx s wthin one yere after my decease and the other xx s wthin the yere then ffolowyng And all my apparell / Itm I geve unto everie of my sonn Robert his children v s a pece to be payd to them at the Age of xv Age / Md that Robt hjs gyft was entred before the ensealyng herof.
Died |
Abt 06 Mar 1593 |
Hertfordshire, England |
Buried |
08 Mar 1593 |
Ware, Hertfordshire, England [1] |
Person ID |
I35276 |
Bryant |
Last Modified |
27 Jun 2004 |
Family |
Alice, d. Dec 1593 |
Married |
1550 |
Children |
| 1. Margaret Heath |
| 2. Robert Heath |
| 3. Joan Heath |
| 4. Elizabeth Heath |
| 5. Thomas Heath |
| 6. Alice Heath, d. Jun 1571 |
| 7. William Heath, b. 1551, probably, Ware, Hertfordshire, England , d. Abt 06 Jan 1624/25, Ware End, Great Amwell, Hertfordshire, England  |
| 8. James Heath, b. Abt Feb 1561, d. Sep 1562 |
| 9. John Heath, b. Feb 1564 |
| 10. Ellen Heath, b. Abt Jun 1565 |
| 11. Katherine Heath, b. Aug 1568 |
| 12. Richard Heath, b. Aug 1568 |
Family ID |
F2689 |
Group Sheet |
Sources |
- [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 146:264.