Timothy Townsend

Male Abt 1738 - 1832

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  • Name  Timothy Townsend 
    Born  Abt 1738  probably, Hancock, Berkshire Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 2
    • Age 89 in 1827.
    Gender  Male 
    Will  24 Jul 1823  Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • In the name of God Amen I Timothy Townsen of Canaan in the County of Columbia and State of New York do make publish and declare this is my Last Will and Testament.

      First all my just debts and funeral expenses are to be punctually and speedily paid.

      Second I order and direct that my executors hereafter named shall within six months after my decease procure and erect a Tomb Stone (the value of which not to exceed twenty-five dollars) which expense shall be paid out of my estate.

      Third I will and devise all my real and personal estate which may remain after all demands are paid to the following persons viz:

      Lucy Loomis or her heirs shall be entitled to the ninth part of all my estate,
      Anne White or her heirs
      Sylvia Stevens or her heirs
      Clarissa Palmer or her heirs
      Jonathan Townsen or his heirs
      Josiah Townsen or his heirs
      Timothy Townsen Junr. or his heirs

      All the above named persons or their heirs shall receive the on equal ninth part of my estate after my decease.

      Fourth I also will and devise to the heirs of Elice Griffing the on equal ninth part of all my estate after my decease

      Fifth I also will and devise to the heirs of Betty Barnes deceased the on equal ninth part of all my estate after my decease.

      Sixth I order and direct that in case any dispute shall arise concerning any gift bequest matter or thing then and in that case no suit at law shall be commenced but the same shall be referred to three impartial and honest men of the Town of Canaan to be selected as follows. Two of the men by my executors and those two men shall elect a third - which three men thus chosen shall declare their sense of the Testator's intentions and their decision in the premises to be binding on the parties the same as any courts in the United States.

      Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint Uriah Edwards and Jirah Dean to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty three.

      Timothy Townsen L.S.

      Signed Sealed Published and declared by the
      above named Timothy Townsen to be his Last Will
      & Testament in the presence of us as witnesses in
      the presence of each other
      J. D. Allen, Betsey Edwards, Harriet J. Allen
    Died  11 Mar 1832  Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Buried  Flat Brook Cemetery, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    • Cemetery of the Flat Brook Baptist Church, located on Route 22, one to two miles north of the intersection of routes 22 and 90. The cemetery is on the right side of Rte. 22 going north; the church is on the left. The gravesite is in the front area of Flat Brook Cemetery.
    • Timothy moved to New Canaan in 1757 about the age of 22. Timothy was "fence viewer in Capt. Arnold's beat." He was a farmer and a member of the First Baptist Church, Flatbrook, New York. His will dated 24 July 1823 was probated 1 May 1833.

      According to the research of Fran (Townsend) Ewers, Timothy married a total of four times. The name of his second wife is not known. The name of his third wife was Mary or Molly and Mary Olmstead was his fourth wife.

      In 1799, forty-two years after moving to Canaan, NY, Timothy continued his westward migration to Jefferson County, NY. There are records showing he recorded a land purchase in the Town of Champion. He is also on record 3 February 1801 as a resident of Champion when he signed a petition to the state legislature regarding road improvement in the northern part of New York.

      Timothy's farm was located on Hall Road west of the Village of Champion Huddle. It had a creek running through it that appeared on early maps as Townsend Creek, now named Mill Creek. Land records in Watertown, NY, for Jefferson County show:

      Watertown Deeds, Book F., p. 281 (1809)
      Timothy Townsend & wife, Betty, to Josiah Townsend, age 39, of Champion, "easterly 1/2 of lot #4 in the great lot #23 --- containing 58 acres and one-half..." in Champion.

      Timothy then returned to Columbia County by 1810 as that is where he is residing at the time of the census. In his will made in 1823, he made mention that his three sons did not reside in Columbia County. They were in fact living in Jefferson County.
    Person ID  I24986  Bryant
    Last Modified  17 May 2003 

    Father  Jonathan Townsend,   b. 27 Apr 1688, Watertown, Middlesex Co, Massachusetts Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1764, Hebron, Tolland Co, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Mother  Unknown 
    Married  1724  Montville, New London Co, Connecticut Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    • Jonathan did not marry Mary OTIS who married John Tompson of Hebron
    Family ID  F1964  Group Sheet

    Family 1  Elizabeth (Betsy),   b. Abt 1742,   d. 27 May 1809, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  Abt 1757  probably, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Timothy was probably not married in Hebron as there is no record in the church records and they are quite complete after 1752. In Martin Townsend of Old and New England the author says they married at Canaan but no source is given.
     1. Betty Townsend,   b. Est 1761
     2. Lucy Townsend,   b. Abt 1763, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Jan 1835, probably, Westmoreland, Oneida Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location
     3. Jonathan Townsend,   b. 1765, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 20 Apr 1854, Pamelia, Jefferson Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location
     4. Clarissa Townsend,   b. Est 1767
     5. Josiah Townsend,   b. 12 Mar 1770, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 19 Mar 1860, Savannah, Wayne Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location
     6. Ann Townsend,   b. Est 1772
     7. Elice Townsend,   b. Aft 1774
     8. Lydia Townsend,   b. 28 Nov 1774, New York Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 15 Mar 1831
     9. Timothy Townsend, Jr.,   b. Between 1780 and 1785
    Family ID  F1880  Group Sheet

    Family 2  Mary Olmstead,   b. Abt 1758,   d. 29 Apr 1831, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Married  05 Feb 1827  Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    • This account appeared in the February 28, 1827, issue of the Auburn Free Press.

      "Mr. Townsend was one of the first settlers in Canaan, having lived there about 70 years. He buried three wives and now has become the husband of the fourth in his second childhood. After the guests had assembled, nearly 3 hours were spent in settling the conditions of their union, when a compromise was made and they were joined in 'Hymen's bonds'. No goose so grey, but soon or late, may find a silly gander for a mate."

      This interesting account had at least one inaccuracy in that Timothy had not lived there for 70 years but for a total of 52 years.

      1827 2/19 Canaan, 3rd inst. by Rev. Mr. Hall, TIMOTHY TOWNSEND, 89 to MRS. MARY OLMSTEAD, 69, both of that town.
    Family ID  F1961  Group Sheet

    Family 3  unk.,   d. 09 Apr 1814 
    Married  Aft 1809 
    Family ID  F1962  Group Sheet

    Family 4  Mary (or Molly),   d. 02 Sep 1822 
    Married  Aft 1814 
    Family ID  F1963  Group Sheet

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - Abt 1738 - probably, Hancock, Berkshire Co, Massachusetts Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - Abt 1757 - probably, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsWill - 24 Jul 1823 - Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsMarried - 05 Feb 1827 - Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 11 Mar 1832 - Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBuried - - Flat Brook Cemetery, Canaan, Columbia Co, New York Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Maps 
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S53] Ewers, Fran, Townsend/Helms, Ewers, Fran (Townsend), (not published).

    2. [S100] Townsend, Byron, Townsends, Byron G. Townsend, (Houghton Lake, MI, 1997).

    3. [S55] Bowman, 10,000 NY Vital Rec., Bowman , Fred Q., (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1987), p. 257 #8831.

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