1640 - Bef 1691
Name |
Abraham Post |
Born |
1640 |
probably, Hartford, Hartford Co, Connecticut [1] |
Gender |
Male |
Died |
Bef 03 Mar 1690/91 |
Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut [1] |
- Estate inventoried on 3 March
Notes |
- On October 18, 1663, Abraham Post sold a bay mare of seven years to Elias Doughty; on May 11, 1665, Abraham Post was admitted as a Freeman by the General Court at Hartford, There are a number of entries wherein residents of Boston owed Abraham Post money. The record is not clear as to reasons for debts due him. The published Colonial Records of Connecticut, 1665-1677, page 60, show: "May 9, 1667, Abraham Post appointed an Ensign of Train Band."
Abraham Post seems to have been one of the most active of the sons of Stephen. The Indian Sachem, Uncas of Mohegans, deeded 4,000 acres of land to Abraham in the year 1670, which was confirmed by Uncas's will. In 1670 Abraham was appointed deputy of Saybrook at the Hartford General Court. Other activities concern many dealings with the Indians. Many appointments are entered for him in the original town records of Saybrook. In 1675, Joshua, the Indian Sachem, granted Abraham Post and a group of other Saybrook residents land, "8 miles broad and 18 miles long." In May of 1680 Abraham was made Lieutenant of Saybrook Fort. [Hartford Land Records, Vol. VI, pp. 185, 188] There seems little doubt that Abraham Post was a merchant, though there is no record of what type merchandise was involved; that he needed a warehouse for such is shown as follows: "April 25, 1682, Abraham Post given six rods of land and permission to erect a warehouse and make a wharf along the river front." Doubtless this enterprise explains how men of Boston residence became indebted to Abraham Post [original Saybrook Land Records, Vol. 1, p. 52]. One entry in the town records of Saybrook might explain some of the activities of Abraham: "This obligeth me to pay unto Abram (sic) Post or his order at 24 shillings a hundred, to the balance of 9 pounds, 5 shillings or in shop goods to that value to be paid at or before the last of May, the year 1661, by John Pane (Paine)."
In the State Library vault at Hartford, Town and Land Series, No. 1, Vol. 1, is a letter perfectly preserved, though the lettering is at times very difficult to read, in a precise hand and signed by Abraham Post which states: "Mr. Ely, yours per Mr. Chapman being communicated and considered of the Towne together with the award of the gentlemen we returned to you that we doe fully set downe by award, and we allso willing to have their advice in such esteeme as that you shall have the fence now standing in your proposition upon reasonable terms; and if you are not better provided and doe see cause to make use of any of us to helpe repair what is defective, provided it be speedily, we shall be willing to afford to you what help we may, and not require immediate satisfaction, but according to the advice of the Gentlemen in staying our recompence both for the fence and the labor until the next season of payment which with the tend of suitable respects is all from you in what we may. This 20th March 1672." The handwriting and spelling are thoroughly compatible to the date shown, which reflects schooling of Abraham Post beyond the run-of-the-mill townsmen at that period. He looms large in the records for Saybrook and was outstanding in his handling of all Indian affairs. He was on many committees for settlement of boundaries and disputes, evidence bears out the complete lack of difficulty with the Indian Sachems with whom he dealt. In the will of Joshua, son of Uncas the Chief, 16 May 1678, Joshua gave to his son and daughter and to his father Uncas, all of his lands. [Connecticut Probate Records, pub., Vol. 3, p. 35.] In the will of Uncas, 1683, he confirms 4,000 acres to Abraham Post.
The death date of Abraham Post has not been definitely determined from town or probate records, but it is believed proof can be adduced herewith to pinpoint a date ca. 1694. There have been various claims made for his death date, without citing authority or reference to factual material. J. H. Beers' History of Middlesex states he died 1671. The W. A. Post private papers in the vault at Westbrook show the date as 1690. The F. W. Chapman manuscript (op. cit.), The New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Savage's Genealogical Dictionary, Vol. 3, pp. 465 and 234, Genealogy of Old Fairfield, by Donald Lines Jacobus, all give the date as 1715. However, in the original Saybrook Land Records, Vol. 1, p. 232, is entered: "lands of Abraham Post, late of Saybrook, deceased, dated 1694." After this date there are numerous entries concerning the lands of Abraham, which were obviously being handled by his son Stephen. In the Saybrook Land Records, Vol. 11, p. 238, is the following entry: "Stephen Post states his right to sell lands in Hebron, having inherited from Joshua, Sachem, late of Saybrook, deceased, and in right of my honorable father, Lt. Abraham Post, late of Saybrook, deceased." This instrument was dated July 23, 1707. Then Vol. I, p. 140, Saybrook Land Records, "Received the 5th of March 1720, I, Stephen Post formerly of Saybrook in ye county of New London, administrator upon ye estate of my Hond. father, Abraham Post, late of Saybrook, deceased, by virtue of power given me by the honorable court of Probate do set out unto my brother Daniel Post, one third part of an hundred pound right in the Town Commons of Saybrook, as aforesaid, as witness my hand ye 5th March 1720." Further, in Volume II, p. 217, Saybrook Town Records, a letter dated from Hebron, October 1708 from Stephen Post to Mr. Smll. Willard, Sr.: "These are to desire you to record to my brother Danll. Post, to my sister Mary Pratt, and to my sister Elianor Parker, a third part of an hundred pound right in ye Town Commons . . . it is to be understood it was part of that right which was my honored fathers." From New London Probate Records, Book 5, p. 321, Stephen Post, administrator of Abraham Post, deceased, dated June 5, 1705. In the original Deep River Records, Vol. II, p. 363, there is a letter from Stephen Post, dated at Hebron, 1708, which concerns the division of his father's lands as follows: "desire you record to my brother Abraham Post and James Post of Pachuoge that they did receive part of their portion of Stephen Post, Administrator of Estate of his honored father, to Abraham Post ten acres of land with orchard ...... As late as 1738, Stephen Post continued to write Samll. Willard about the lands of his father, this time concerning his brother James, who apparently died after the 1708 entry and before the 1738 date, as follows: "Sir, these lines may inform you that if neither your father nor you have not recorded one third part of one hundred pound right in the Town Commons to my brother James in the time of his life that you would do it now to his heirs in part of that which his fathers right upon their right charge."
Person ID |
I23542 |
Bryant |
Last Modified |
16 Feb 2006 |
Father |
Stephen Post, d. 16 Aug 1659, Oyster River Quarter, Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut |
Mother |
Eleanor Panton, b. Abt 1606, Hollingbourne, Kent, England , d. 13 Nov 1670, Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut |
Married |
17 Oct 1625 |
Langley, Kent, England [1, 2, 3] |
Family ID |
F1847 |
Group Sheet |
Family 1 |
Mary Jordan, b. Abt 1644, Guilford, New Haven Co, Connecticut , d. 23 Mar 1683/84, Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut |
Married |
1663 |
Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut [1, 4] |
Children |
| 1. Jordan Post, b. 27 May 1676, Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut , d. 20 Jan 1748, Hebron, Tolland Co, Connecticut  |
Family ID |
F1676 |
Group Sheet |
Family 2 |
Lydia Buckland, b. Est 1637, d. Bef 03 Mar 1690/91, probably, Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut |
Married |
Aft 1684 |
Saybrook, Middlesex Co, Connecticut [4] |
Family ID |
F1846 |
Group Sheet |
Sources |
- [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 160:30-34.
- [S35] Torrey's Supplement no. 2, Sanborn, Melinde Lutz, (Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, MD, 1995), no date; Otham, p.51.
- [S233] Saybrook Founders, Descendants, Staplins, Elaine F., Chairman, (The Founders Committee, Saybrook, CT, 1985), Stephen Post.
- [S13] NEHGR, NEHGR, (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society), 146:213.